Welcome to cincoconfig’s documentation!

cincoconfig is an easy to use configuration file management library. It allows you to build custom application and library configurations declaratively without any subclassing or specializations. Cincoconfig ships with 20+ builtin fields with comprehensive value validation.

cincoconfig has no hard dependencies, however, several features become available by installing several dependencies, including (see requirements/requirements-features.txt for full list):

  • Configuration value encryption (SecureField) - requires cryptography

  • YAML config file support - requires PyYaml

  • BSON config file support - requires bson

Configuration values are directly accessed as attributes.

# app_config.py
from cincoconfig import *

# first, define the configuration's schema -- the fields available that
# customize the application's or library's behavior
schema = Schema()
schema.mode = ApplicationModeField(default='production')

# nested configurations are built on the fly
# http is now a subconfig
schema.http.port = PortField(default=8080, required=True)

# each field has its own validation rules that are run anytime the config
# value is loaded from disk or modified by the user.
# here, this field only accepts IPv4 network addresses and the user is
# required to define this field in the configuration file.
schema.http.address = IPv4AddressField(default='', required=True)

schema.http.ssl.enabled = BoolField(default=False)
schema.http.ssl.ca_file = FilenameField()
schema.http.ssl.key_file = FilenameField()
schema.http.ssl.cert_file = FilenameField()

schema.db.host = HostnameField(allow_ipv4=True, required=True, default='localhost')
schema.db.port = PortField(default=27017, required=True)
schema.db.name = StringField(default='my_app', required=True)
schema.db.user = StringField()

# some configuration values are sensitive, such as credentials, so
# cincoconfig provides config value encryption when the value is
# saved to disk via the SecureField
schema.db.password = SecureField()

# once a schema is defined, build the actual configuration object
# that can load config files from disk and interact with the values
config = schema()

# print the set http port
print(config.http.port) # >>> 8080

# set a config value manually
if config.mode == 'production':
    config.db.name = config.db.name + '_production'

print(config.dumps(format='json', pretty=True))
# {
#   "mode": "production",
#   "http": {
#     "port": 8080,
#     "address": ""
#     "ssl": {
#       "enabled": false
#     }
#   },
#   "db": {
#     "host": "localhost",
#     "port": 27017,
#     "name": "my_app_production"
#   }
# }

Indices and tables