
cincoconfig.make_type(schema, name, module=None, key_filename=None)

Create a new type that wraps this schema. This method should only be called once per schema object.

Use this method when to create reusable configuration objects that can be used multiple times in code in a more traditional Pythonic manner. For example, consider the following:

item_schema = Schema()
item_schema.url = UrlField()
item_schema.verify_ssl = BoolField(default=True)

schema = Schema()
schema.endpoints = ListField(item_schema)

config = schema()

# to create new web hook items
item = webhook_schema()
item.url = ''
item.verify_ssl = False


This is a cumbersome design when creating these objects within code. make_type will dynamically create a new class that can be used in a more Pythonic way:

# same schema as above
config = schema()
Item = make_type(item_schema, 'Item')

item = Item(url='', verify_ssl=False)

The new class inherits from Config.

  • name (str) – the new class name

  • module (Optional[str]) – the owning module

  • key_filename (Optional[str]) – the key file name passed to each new config object,

  • validator – config validator callback method

Return type



the new type

cincoconfig.generate_argparse_parser(schema, **parser_kwargs)

Generate a argparse.ArgumentParser based on the schema. This method generates --long-arguments for each field that stores a string, integer, float, or bool (based on the field’s storage_type). Boolean fields have two long arguments created, one to store a True value and another, --no-[x], to disable it.


kwargs – keyword arguments to pass to the generated ArgumentParser constructor

Return type



the generated argument parser


Decorator to register a new validator with the schema or field. All validators will be run against the configuration whenever the configuration is loaded from disk. Multiple validators can be registered by using the decorator multiple times. Subconfigs can also be validated by using the decorator on the sub schema.

schema = Schema()
schema.x = IntField()
schema.y = IntField()
schema.db.username = StringField()
schema.db.password = StringField()

def validate_x_lt_y(cfg):
    if cfg.x and cfg.y and cfg.x >= cfg.y:
        raise ValueError('x must be less-than y')

def validate_db_credentials(cfg):
    if cfg.username and not db.password:
        raise ValueError('db.password is required when username is specified')

config = schema()
config.load('config.json', format='json')  # will call the above validators
# .....

The validator function needs to raise an exception, preferably a ValueError, if the validation fails.


func – validator function that accepts a single argument: Config.

Return type





Get all the fields and nested fields of the schema or config, including the nested schemas/configs.

>>> schema = Schema()
>>> schema.x = IntField()
>>> schema.y.z = StringField()
>>> schema.z = StringField()
>>> get_all_fields(schema)
    ('x', schema, schema.x),
    ('y.z', schema.y, schema.y.z),
    ('z', schema, schema.z)

The returned list of tuples have three values:

  1. path - the full path to the field.

  2. schema - the schema that the field belongs to.

  3. field - the field.

The order of the fields will be the same order in which the fields were added to the schema.

Return type

List[Tuple[str, Schema, BaseField]]


all the fields as a list of tuples: (path, schema, field)

cincoconfig.cmdline_args_override(config, args, ignore=None)

Override configuration setting based on command line arguments, parsed from the argparse module. This method is useful when loading a configuration but allowing the user the option to override or extend the configuration via command line arguments.

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_const', const='debug', dest='mode')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', action='store', dest='http.port')
parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', action='store', dest='http.address')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action='store')

args = parser.parse_args()
if args.config:
    config.load(args.config, format='json')

config.cmdline_args_override(args, ignore=['config'])

# cmdline_args_override() is equivalent to doing:

if args.mode:
    config.mode = args.mode
if getattr(args, 'http.port'):
    config.http.port = getattr(args, 'http.port')
if getattr(args, 'http.address'):
    config.http.address = getattr(args, 'http.address')

This method is compatible with manually created argument parser and an autogenerated one from the Schema generate_argparse_parser() method.

Return type



Get the full reference path to a field or configuration.


item (Union[BaseField, Config]) – field, schema, or configuration

Return type



full reference path to the item

cincoconfig.get_fields(schema, types=None)

Get all fields within a configuration or schema. This method does not recurse into nested schemas/configs, unlike get_all_fields(). The return value is a list of fields as tuples (key, field).

Return type

List[Tuple[str, BaseField]]


the list of fields

cincoconfig.asdict(config, virtual=False)

Converts the configuration object to a dict. Whereas to_tree() converts the configuration to a basic value tree suitable for saving to disk, the asdict method converts the configuration, and all nested configuration objects, to a dict, preserving each value as-is.

  • config (Config) – the configuration to convert to a dict

  • virtual (bool) – include virtual field values in the dict

Return type



the converted configuration dict

cincoconfig.is_value_defined(config, key)

Check if the given field has been set by the user through either loading a configuration file or using the API to set the field value.

  • config (Config) – configuration object

  • key (str) – field key

Return type



the field is set by the user

cincoconfig.reset_value(config, key)

Reset a config value back to the default.

  • config (Config) – configuration object

  • key (str) – field key

Return type
